Thank You

Thank you to our funders and partners!

We would like to extend the warmest thanks to our funders and partners. Without these grants, donations, and partnerships, we would not be able to support the local LGBTQIA2S+ community and their allies, nor expand our services. So many thanks for helping us make Ketchikan a more inclusive community.

Our Community

We can’t say thank you enough to the community for the support we receive. Monetary donations, volunteering, collaborating with us, or attending our activities are all amazing ways to support us, and help make Ketchikan a safe, inclusive place for everyone.

Ketchikan Community Foundation

The Ketchikan Community Foundation awarded KPA a $3,000 grant in May of 2022 to sustain the Loud And Queer zine for the next year.

You can read more about it here.

Many thanks to the Ketchikan Community Foundation for supporting local LGBTQIA2S+ artists, allies, and helping us build connection to each other and resources.

Gateway Games

We are so thankful to Gateway Games for hosting Gayme Nights. Gayme nights are open to all members of the community, to come unwind, play games and make friends. Keep an eye on our social media for when these nights are happening.


Women in Safe Homes

WISH’s Prevention and Education Department has partnered with KPA to offer education on LGBTQIA2S+ terms and identities, including the types of violence experienced by the LGBTQIA2S+ community. This short training allows agencies to be more responsive to LGBTQIA2S+ clients and participants. Learn more here.

Ketchikan Gateway Borough Community Grant

KPA was awarded a community grant from the Ketchikan Gateway Borough for the 2023 fiscal year. These funds will be used to support KPA outreach events and help us gather information on the local LGBTQIA2S+ community. We are very thankful for these funds that allow us to provide more connection between Ketchikan community members.